Monday, July 11, 2011

The "weaker sex"

The other day, I was travelling by train to Bangalore from Mumbai. Just after the train left Dadar, a PYT with a polished accent walked down the aisle. A cool, guy in bermudas was sitting on the side berth. She approached him and asked him if he would be willing to exchange his berth for hers. Both of the berths were side - upper berths. Before the 'cool' guy's brain could register, his lips uttered - Fine.

I had the opportunity to watch the poor nerd walking down the aisle for the better part of the journey and trying to sit somewhere (Her berth was the one next to the door and with the TT seat below).

Makes me wonder who is the weaker sex. It reminds me of the incidents where a "wild" animal is caught in the dazzle of a torch or vehicles headlights to its own detriment.

The PYT was last heard moaning on the phone with cronies how tedious the 24 hr journey was while a flight would have not cost much more and was so comfortable.